CUET, KUET and RUET Admission Notice & Instructions Herewith. CKRUET Admission Circular 2022-2023 Academic Year at admission ckruet ac bd. The Combined Admission Test of CUET, KUET and RUET Session 2022-2023. The First-year admission test of Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) and Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) in B.Sc. Engineering, BURP and BArch for the Academic year 2022-2023.
CUET, KUET and RUET Admission Notice & Instructions 2023
There are three Engineering & Technology University Admission Process will take as Combined Admission Test of 2022-2023 Academic Year. The fourth-year and fifth year undergraduate program has been fixed number of seats will be held combinedly. Meanwhile, CKRUET admission circular, CKRUET admission login panel, CKRUET admit card, CKRUET payment method and CKRUET admission test result are going to enlisted herewith.
For the Combined an admission test will be held in 17 June 2023 at 10 a.m. at three centers (CUET, KUET and RUET) with same question papers. Therefore, CKRUET admission test center will be decided based on the obtained grade point and numbers in four subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English in the H.S.C or equivalent examination and choices of the candidates.
CUET, KUET and RUET offer 4 years graduation degree in different Engineering and URP departments and 5 years graduation degree in Architecture department under different faculties. The number of seats is as follows.
CKRUET Admission Circular 2022-2023
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Minimum Qualifications for Admission:
a) Only the total obtained marks in the admission test will be considered to make the merit position. A merit list for Engineering departments and URP department will be published according to the merit position and a separate merit list will be published for the Architecture department accordingly.
b) If more than one students get the same marks, their merit position will be made with their highest obtained marks sequentially in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English for the departments of Engineering and URP and in the case of Architecture department, merit position will be made with the highest obtained marks sequentially in Free-hand Drawing, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English.
c) A separate merit list of students will be published for reserved seats. It is noted that maximum 2 in CUET and 1 in KUET and 1 in RUET will be admitted into each department according to their merits and choices.
How to apply for CUET, KUET and RUET Admission Test?
All eligible students able to apply through the website. After visit on this site they will find “Apply”; enter the page of apply application form online. You have to fill up the application form properly. If you mistakenly fill up the application form by wrong information, application will be cancelled by the authority. So, during the form fill up careful.
Number of Seats:
CUET, KUET and RUET offer 4 years graduation degree in different Engineering and URP departments and 5 years
graduation degree in Architecture department under different faculties. The number of seats is as follows.
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET)
1. Architecture ARCH 30
2. Biomedical Engineering BME 30
3. Civil Engineering CE 130
4. Computer Science and Engineering CSE 130
5. Electrical and Electronic Engineering EEE 180
6. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering ETE 60
7. Materials Science and Engineering MSE 30
8. Mechanical Engineering ME 180
9. Mechatronics and Industrial Engineering MIE 30
10. Petroleum and Mining Engineering PME 30
11. Urban and Regional Planning URP 60
12. Water Resources Engineering WRE 30
Total No. of Seats: 920
Total no. of seats is 920. Except that there are 11 reserved seats among which 10 are allocated for the tribal people
of Chittagong Hill Tracts and other districts and 01 for Raakhain community.
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
1. Architecture ARCH 40
2. Building Engineering and Construction Management BECM 60
3. Biomedical Engineering BME 30
4. Chemical Engineering CHE 30
5. Civil Engineering CE 120
6. Computer Science and Engineering CSE 120
7. Electrical and Electronic Engineering EEE 120
8. Electronics and Communication Engineering ECE 60
9. Energy Science and Engineering ESE 30
10. Industrial Engineering and Management IEM 60
11. Leather Engineering LE 60
12. Materials Science and Engineering MSE 60
13. Mechanical Engineering ME 120
14. Mechatronics Engineering MTE 30
15. Textile Engineering TE 60
16. Urban and Regional Planning URP 60
Total no. of seats 1060
Total no. of seats is 1060. In addition to this, 5 (five) seats are reserved for the tribal people of Chittagong Hill Tracts
and tribal people other districts (01 is for Bandarban district and 04 are for Chittagong Hill Tracts and tribal students
of other districts).
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)
1. Architecture ARCH 30
2. Building Engineering and Construction Management BECM 30
3.. Chemical and Food Process Engineering CFPE 30
4. Civil Engineering CE 180
5. Computer Science and Engineering CSE 180
6. Electrical and Electronic Engineering EEE 180
7. Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 60
8. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering ETE 60
9. Glass and Ceramic Engineering GCE 60
10. Industrial and Production Engineering IPE 60
11. Materials Science and Engineering MSE 60
12. Mechanical Engineering ME 180
13. Mechatronics Engineering MTE 60
14. Urban and Regional Planning URP 60
Total no. of seats 1230
Total no. of seats is 1230. In addition to this, 5 (five) seats are reserved for the tribal people of Chittagong Hill Tracts
and tribal people other districts (01 is for Bandarban district and 04 are for Chittagong Hill Tracts and tribal students
of other districts).
Qualifications for Participation in the Admission Test:
a) Student must be a citizen of Bangladesh.
b) Student must have passed H.S.C or Equivalent Certificate in 2022 or obtain the result published of GCE ‘A’ Level
from September 2021 to October 2022. However, the GCE ‘A’ level students of June 2021 session who appeared at
the examination of October 2022 provided the result published are also eligible to apply.
c) Student must have passed S.S.C or Equivalent Certificate in 2019 or 2020 from any Secondary & Higher Secondary
Education Board/Madrasa Board/Vocational Board of Bangladesh with a minimum GPA 4.00 or an equal grade in
equivalent examination.
d) Student must have Grade Point 5.00 in each of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry subjects (i.e. total Grade Point
15 in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) and at least Grade Point 4.00 in English in H.S.C/Alim/Equivalent
examination from any Board of Bangladesh. Students English of Version or Foreign Board must have the equal Grade
Point in those subjects. If a student wants to get admission into BME department, he must possess Grade Point 4.00
in Biology in H.S.C or Equivalent examination.
e) GCE ‘O’ Level and GCE ‘A’ Level passed students must obtain Grade ‘A’ in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and
English respectively in GCE ‘O’ Level. They must obtain Grade ‘A’ in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry
respectively in GCE ‘A’ Level. If a student wants to get admission into BME department, he must obtain a minimum
Grade Point ‘B’ in Biology.
f) A student passed H.S.C/equivalent certificate in 2021 from Foreign Institutes with 12 years schooling must have at
least 80% marks or Equivalent Grade Point in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry respectively and 70% marks or
Equivalent Grade Point in English. In S.S.C he must have a minimum 70% marks or Equivalent Grade Point.