KUET Admission Test Result 2022-2023 KUET AC BD. Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Admission Test Result by www.kuet.ac.bd for Year B.Sc. Engineering and BURP. The Undergraduate of KUET Admission Result for academic session 2022-2023 are available here. KUET Admission Test (MCQ) held on Date and Time of Admission Test to be announce soon. So, Lets find the KUET Admission Result 2022-2023. KUET Admission Result 2023 check from below:-
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Admission Test Result 2023
KUET Admission Test Result 2023 KUET AC BD. Therefore, KUET Admission Test for Undergraduate Students in first year of B.Sc. Engineering and BURP programs. Many students are given admission test at KUET. Those students are worry about their admission test result because most of the university admission test of session 2022-2023. There are few university reaming to take admission test if those students fall to get chance at KUET then it’s will be difficult to get chance another. Khulna University of Engineering & Technology is the one of most famous university. Candidates wants to get chance and complete their under graduation here.
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology is well known as KUET, formerly known as BIT, Khulna. It is one of the leading public universities of Bangladesh emphasizing education and research on engineering and technology across the country. One of press report and KUET official website written that; KUET Admission Test of first Year in B.Sc. Engineering and BURP (Session 2022-2023) held in peacefully.
KUET Admission Result 2023
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1st Year Undergraduate Admission Test (session 2022-2023) Result not publish yet.
The KUET Admission Test for the First year of B.Sc. Eng. and BURP list in KUET for the academic session 2022-2023. There are total 6,643 candidates (84%) appere in the Admission Test 2022-2023, which is a record. The admission test held in KUET campus as well as some others center which is near of KUET Campus. The admission test result publish on or before next 30 October in KUET official website and candidates get a SMS if they selected in merit list. The final admission date declare also at that result published time.
Moreover, There are total 875 seats available in this session in the eleven (11) Departments under three (3) Faculty of KUET. They also declared that; 120 students in each department of CE, EEE, CSE and ME and as well as 60 students in each department of ECE, IEM, URP, LE, TE and BECM; 30 students in BME and 5 reserve seats. So, If you have need to know KUET admission Test Guidelines or Other information at www.kuet.ac.bd or http://admission.kuet.ac.bd.
Finally, we would like share all information about Khulna University of Engineering & Technology admission test session 2022-2023. So, check KUET Admission Test Result 2022-2023 with admission date information.