Primary School Teachers Recruitment Exam Date already announced by DPE. We are going to share the Primary Admit Card Download Link for Applicants. Those people are easily collected it from the respective websites. According to press release primary school teacher’s exam admit card available at The details information of the admit card information attached by dpe authority (
Admit Card Dpe Gov BD 2024
Directorate of Primary Education (প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর) officially announced the govt primary school recruit written examination admit card downloadable date and official web link for candidates. The dpe admit card downloadable link available on www admit dpe gov bd website.
Download Admit Card for Government Primary School Teachers Job Written Examination across the country; on the basis of the Primary Education authority declaration over the dpe gov bd. Though; Primary Exam will be held by different phrase wise.
DPE Primary School Exam Schedule Announced to be Published….
How to download admit card?
Concern applicants can download the govt primary school teacher admit card by using the “User ID” and “Password”. Which was send on respective applicant’s cell phone from the Directorate of Primary Education after completion application process. If you anyone forget the user id and password; not to worry! Authority has given the alternative process to download it; they can easily collect from website using the SSC Roll, Reg. Number and passing year. As well as the using the mobile phone number by recovery process. The admit card download link is or
Note: Few times server will be working by the authority; that’s why website not loaded. When you see the website loading problem; try it again after few hours.
Admit Card Download (Assistant Teacher Recruitment-2023)
Meanwhile, most of the applicants searching this information on search engine by admit card 2024; admit card dpe gov bd; dpe admit gov bd login etc. We suggest that follow us above the link to govt primary school teachers admit card download easily from internet.
Dpe teletalk com bd is the earlier website to get everything of DPE Primary School Teachers Recruitment Information’s. Now authority release the dpe admit card over the website.
In finale; get and collect all the examination admit card under the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) in Bangladesh out of www dpe gov bd.