Bangladesh Police Sub Inspector Job Circular 2023. Govt. Circular of Bangladesh Police SI ( Bangladesh Police SI Job Circular 2023 has been publish today. Therefore, Bangladesh Police Sub Inspector (SI) Jo b Circular for male and female (both). As you know, Bangladesh Police SI Job Circular as also known as ”‘Bangladesh Police SI Job Circular”’. Thus, all concerned Applicants must have a Graduation or equivalent degree from a Govt. approved university with computer knowledge. So, get the details information of Bangladesh Police SI Job Circular 2023 and instructions are given below:-
Bangladesh Police SI Job Circular 2023
- Job Title: Sub-Inspector (SI) [Unarmed]
- Job Type: Govt. of Bangladesh
- Primary Selection Date:
- Apply Deadline:
- Bank Draft: 550/- Taka; After Selected (on the time of Application)
- Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
Moreover, BD SI Job Circular Primary Selection will take at Dhaka, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Rangpur. Consequently, Total 7 ranges will be held Bangladesh Police SI Job Primary Selection.
In addition, The Sub Inspector is the non-cadre mid-level entry position of Bangladesh Police. Consequently, the Sub-Inspectors are vital for maintaining criminal law and order in the country. Through, they are competent for the field level operation, combining both to uphold justice and serve the public.
Bangladesh Police Sub Inspector Job Exam Date 2023
Furthermore, Among the total posts of Sub-Inspectors, 50% are taken directly and remaining 50% posts are filled up through promotion of the Assistant Sub Inspectors. Thus, the direct recruitment procedure of Sub Inspector is conducted by Police Headquarters. So, See the Bangladesh Police Sub-Inspector (SI) Job Circular are given below:-
Bangladesh Police Job Circular 2023
Conditions applicable for direct recruitment:
Educational qualifications: Graduation or equivalent degree
Age and height: General and other quotas (Male) Age: 19-27 year, Height: 5’4’’ (Five feet four inch) Freedom fighter (Male) Age: 19-32 year, Height: 5’4’’ (Five feet four inch) General and other quotas (Female) Age: 19-27 year, Height: 5’2’’ (Five feet two inch) Freedom fighter (Female) Age: 19-32 year, Height: 5’2’’ (Five feet two inch)
Examination: Subjects determined by Bangladesh Police And Final Total number of written exam-225 and total number of viva voce exam-100
Training: Basic training 1 (one) year and field attachment 1 (one) year
Application Process of Bangladesh Police SI:
Therefore, all Eligible and Concerned Candidates have to present Physically for Primary Selection Test as Mentioned Date. Then Collect your Application Fee on The Physical Test Date. Application Form Fee Taka- 03/=. And Submit Your Application with All Necessary Document Within ………………. Thus, A Bank Draft of Taka 300/= (Three Hundred Taka) Will Fund For “Inspector General, Bangladesh Police, Dhaka. Moreover, Applicants get in Circular of Bangladesh Police Sub-Inspector (SI) Job 2023. So, Read the circular carefully before apply.
In Conclusion, Bangladesh Police SI Job Circular 2023. Therefore, Candidates have present on Primary Selection Date on Divisional Ranges on yours. After Primary Selection candidates have to face written test. Through, get all kinds of information about Bangladesh Police Sub-Inspector (SI) Job Circular 2023 are available here. So, Keep stay with us to get latest Govt. Job Circular in Bangladesh.
Final we would like to share all about the BD Sub Inspector Job Circular, Police SI Recruitment information at our website.